Interpreter TLC offers qualified and certified sign language interpreters via video remote interpreting services anywhere you have a robust internet connection. We also also provide awareness trainings via distance technology.
Interpreter TLC was established in April 2009 by Gordon Vernon, Owner and Director. He holds the Certificate of Interpretation, the Certificate of Transliteration and the National Intepreter Certification from the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) and has been interpreting professionally since 1986.
He has served the interpreting profession on the local, state, regional, and national level. He has served as a member of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Affiliate Chapter Relations Committee (2007-2009) and was President of the Potomac Chapter of RID (PCRID), serving the state of Maryland and Washington, District of Columbia, for two terms. He served on the PCRID Board of Directors in various positions (1996-2005) and served as Vice President of Alabama RID (1993-1994). Currently, he serves as the Director of Communication for the Registro de Intérpretes para Sordos de Puerto Rico (RISPRI) and has been on its Board of Directors since 2016.
We're virtually anywhere you are.